“Martial Universe” is an animated series based on the epic fantasy novel by Tian Can Tu Dou. Created through a collaboration between Yuewen Group and Penguin Pictures, with production by Huanwei Digital, the show weaves a tale of mystical power and destiny. At its heart, it explores the journey of cultivation—a path where one can manipulate yin and yang, challenge fate, conquer life and death, and even control the cycle of reincarnation itself.
The story begins in Qingyang Town, located in the Great Yan Dynasty, where Lin Dong, a seemingly insignificant young boy from a neglected branch of his family, lives an ordinary and unnoticed life. But everything changes when Lin Dong stumbles upon a mysterious stone talisman hidden in a cave. Inside, he discovers a celestial demon marten, a magical creature that becomes his unexpected ally. With the help of this enigmatic being, Lin Dong embarks on a journey of self-discovery, revenge, and growth—unveiling the vast, dangerous world of martial arts and immortality that awaits him.
As Lin Dong’s journey unfolds, the boundaries between the mortal and the immortal blur, and he faces challenges that test both his will and his destiny, setting the stage for an epic tale of power, honor, and transformation.