Based on Ergen’s beloved novel “Immortal Rebellion,” this adaptation delves into the journey of Wang Lin, a simple rural youth driven by a profound desire to challenge the very essence of immortality. His quest isn’t just about eternal life but also about transcending the boundaries imposed by destiny itself. Wang Lin firmly believes in the potential of humanity to achieve enlightenment beyond the grasp of mere immortals.
Despite possessing only average talent, Wang Lin sets forth on the demanding path of cultivating true immortality. Along the way, he faces countless obstacles, each one a testament to his unwavering resolve. Guided by his innate wisdom, Wang Lin rises above his limitations, earning his place among the revered figures of the cultivation realm. His journey is one of perseverance and self-discovery, as he confronts challenges head-on and emerges victorious through sheer determination.
From his humble beginnings as a countryside youth to his eventual prominence in the world of Xianmen practice, Wang Lin’s story embodies the enduring human spirit. It’s a tale of resilience, fortitude, and the relentless pursuit of one’s destiny against all odds.