As the twelfth year of Tianbao unfolds, a chilling tension grips the land. The demon king Xieyu, with dark ambitions, prepares to lead the demon clan to topple the human world, intending to claim it as their own. The Exorcist Department, sensing the impending threat, calls upon young heroes to return to Chang’an, knowing that the demon will rise in four years. At the borderlands, exorcists unite once again, only to encounter restless spirits—their tortured cries hinting at a deeper mystery. All signs point to a legendary creature, the white deer, whose elusive presence might hold the key to the unfolding chaos. But where could it be, and what secrets does it guard?
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legend of exorcism season 2
Watch full episodes legend of exorcism season 2, download legend of exorcism season 2 english subbed, legend of exorcism season 2 eng sub, download legend of exorcism season 2 eng sub, stream legend of exorcism season 2 at ChineseAnime 3D(ChikiAnimation).
Status: Completed Studio: IQIYI Released: Oct 04, 2023 Duration: 18 minutes Season: 2 Country: China Mainland Type: ONA Fansub: Fan sub by Censor: Censored
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