This animated adaptation of *The World of Immortality*, originally written by Qidian’s celebrated author Chen Dong, delves into one of life’s oldest questions: can anyone truly attain immortality? It reminds us that no matter how beautiful, proud, or powerful we are, time will eventually wear us all down to dust.
The story follows Xiao Chen, a young man forced onto Wild Dragon Island—a desolate place cut off from everything he’s known. Hunted by the royal goddess Zhao Lin’er, Xiao Chen finds himself surrounded by ferocious beasts and relentless foes. Despite his isolation, his memories of family, friends, and his distant home become his source of strength, urging him onward.
As he fights to survive, facing creatures and enemies at every turn, Xiao Chen’s determination only grows. Each battle fuels his passion, and the allure of immortality tempts him deeper into this mysterious, ancient world. But as he ventures further, he realizes that he’s stepping into an age-old myth—one that has been hidden for countless eons. Driven by both his mortal attachments and a relentless desire for immortality, Xiao Chen’s journey slowly unravels secrets that could change the course of his life and possibly the world itself.