In the misty mountains of the Chaotian Continent, Jing Jiu lives a quiet life, far from the noise of the martial world. Seemingly ordinary, he spends his days in seclusion, sharpening both his sword and his mind. His only companion is Liu Shisui, a young boy with an extraordinary connection to the Tao, who, despite his talent, humbly serves Jing Jiu.
When the two arrive at the prestigious Qingshan Sect, their unusual relationship raises eyebrows. Liu Shisui, expected to rise as a genius, remains loyal to the laid-back, underestimated Jing Jiu, leaving others puzzled. At the Chengjian Conference, Jing Jiu crosses paths with Zhao Layue, a fierce and enigmatic girl from Shenmo Peak. Cold and focused, Zhao lives by the mantra of the “three-no’s”: no expression, no fear, no mercy—until her fate intertwines with Jing Jiu’s.
Despite his desire for a peaceful life, Jing Jiu is swept into a world of rivalry and looming conflict. Together with Liu Shisui and Zhao Layue, he becomes involved in a greater struggle that touches the very core of their world. As past battles echo in the present, Jing Jiu must confront his destiny and the mysteries that surround him.
Sometimes, it’s the quietest among us who hold the power to change everything.