“The Romance of the Strongest Brain: Cave Fengshen,” also known as “Wu Geng Ji,” is an animated series produced by Xuanji Technology and Tencent Video. Adapted from Hong Kong Fengshen Comics, it’s directed by renowned animation director Shen Leping, famed for “Qin Shi Mingyue,” and created by the top-notch team at Xuanji Technology. The story begins with the King of Shang defying the will of the Protoss by burning their oracle and declaring rebellion. Angered, the Protoss’ leader, “Heaven,” leads a crusade against Shang, ultimately defeating the King despite his newfound divine powers. Wu Geng, the King’s son, escapes with his mother’s help, only to become a slave, but his experiences ignite a resolve to overthrow the oppressive Protoss regime.
The Legend and the Hero(Wu Geng Ji) Season 3
Watch full episodes The Legend and the Hero(Wu Geng Ji) Season 3, download The Legend and the Hero(Wu Geng Ji) Season 3 english subbed, The Legend and the Hero(Wu Geng Ji) Season 3 eng sub, download The Legend and the Hero(Wu Geng Ji) Season 3 eng sub, stream The Legend and the Hero(Wu Geng Ji) Season 3 at ChineseAnime 3D(ChikiAnimation).
Status: Ongoing Studio: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Historical, Mythical, Rebellion, Supernatural Released: Sep 13, 2019 Duration: 15 minutes Season: 2019 Country: China Mainland Type: ONA Fansub: Fan sub by Chikianimation.online Censor: Censored
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